Rapid modernization is resulting in migration of rural youth to towns and also the rural youth who migrate to cities looking for education and employment are occasionally not able to handle the alien situation resulting in psychological maladjustment and risky behaviors. Other than this the semi cities round the cities (comprising of the youth who've migrated from rural areas or who had been living near cities since very long time) are alert to the contests they will face, which is why they don't have skills but they are some how helpless. Special effort must be built to help this number of young adults.
Similarly, a student youth signed up for the institutions inside the towns need skills in communication and exposure, which can be inculcated when they are encouraged to use up programs on education, health, community services etc. on a voluntary basis. These programs can voluntarily be ready by educationists in coordination with social workers where educationists can encourage urban rural activity.For a lot more info, you ought to go to:
Urban Energy
These programs doesn't just have positive effect on the personality and skill progression of urban youth, and also endeavor to involve them in community based nation building aims so they really could become catalysts of change and rise in the attitude, behavior and skills of semi urban youth. Teenagers may be motivated to express and share their experiences and culture which enable it to be also inspired to understand each others' problems and discover the solutions for the children and thus developing friendship and cooperation.
Also, the gender role typed communities in towns make the perfect hindrance in exploiting the capabilities of urban educated girls who are able to help in planning and facilitating youth organizing programs and community organizing initiatives after regular academic curriculum. Their energies may be used since they have understanding and will analyze the systemic nature of oppression, especially the intersection of gender, race, sexuality, segment and sophistication. This can be with these community programs that they'll experience working together with young people, in low-income communities in the facets of grass root, non-profit work. Some could be given responsibility for facilitating groups, organizing, community outreach, grant writing and fundraising, somewhat, to match their talents and interests. When planned and implemented successfully , youth in semi-urban and little girls in urban areas, are both likely to be benefited directly. These programs might be organized by institutions, organizations, clubs or societies. Interaction of youth twice each month can be helpful in many laptop or computer might be imagined.
The key areas identified, which can be universal naturally and so are of youth concern, are education, training and employment, health, environment, recreation and sports, technology, gender equity that special programs may be adopted. The difficulties may be met there are likelihood of creating a difference, if these problems could be tackled successfully if the youth are incredibly tuned in to the nation's challenges. Only thing they desire is proper guidance, training and possibilities to channelize their energies.
The key objectives of those programs ought to be to provide a wholesome, rejuvenating possibility to urban little girls to realize top notch knowledge and also to become accustomed with assorted approaches of life in varying situations also to impart necessary skills and methods for the personality growth and development of semi-urban youth. The objectives could possibly be as follows:
o To motivate urban youth to consider social welfare and community services program on voluntary basis
in the grass root level.
o To foster friendly relations between your urban and semi-urban youth.
o To channelize and tap the possible and energy of urban young girls in constructive activities,
disseminate the knowledge acquired among community people.
o To organize and conduct collective outdoor community activities at no profit no loss basis in order to
inculcate self-discipline, self-initiative, leadership qualities, pride in Indian ness, communal harmony,
comradeship, spirit of voluntarism, co-operation, moral values, nationalism and involvement in
selection process inside the urban little girls.
o To encourage the youth to get together to share with you their experiences and exchange ideas.
o Creating critical awareness and idea of social dynamics of the rural communities.
o Identification of village needs resources, initiatives and disputes..
o To provide an outlet on the youth to show their skills and creativity in several fields
o To improve gender injustice and improve the status of ladies in the neighborhood.
o To create potentially profitable new skills among semi-urban youth by which they're able to become self reliant.
o To develop attitudes and skills one of many semi-urban youth that will make them function better as
productive citizen
o To inspire prospective young entrepreneurs to master modern methods in training and entrepreneurship
skills and enable them to tackle the challenge of unemployment by equipping these phones take up income
generating projects depending on locally available garbage, resources and market and help the
unemployed youth with management techniques.
o To develop scientific temperament in the field of health insurance family and increase the personality of
semi-urban youth
The amount of the courses should depend upon the this program selected. Therefore, the coordinator should fix duration in consultation with concerned technical experts who shall conduct this system.
Selection of team
The first choice members team will be produced in a way that many team should include 01 leader and group members who shall impart the information ( and equal quantity of men and women youth from semi urban area who shall receive the knowledge ) as much as possible.
Those activities for community work could be coordinated in three phases-
PHASE I Training of group leaders
PHASE II Training of group members by group leaders
PHASE III Training in town by group leaders and group members
Downline needs to be provided all relevant printed material and discuss about objectives, task and expected out come. Through the meet, sessions like: experience sharing, team wise presentation of out come, short falls, status of action plans, etc., ought to be discussed.
Financial Pattern - funds could be raised through the urban youth through trivial voluntary donations or activities for-
I. conducting training course;
II. honorarium to instructor (One instructor for 20 trainees)
III. raw material to the training wherever applicable
The topics that shall be within the activities for creating awareness and imparting life skills must be in accordance with the needs and demands from the target area and group. Following areas could be explored as such-
a. Cinema / documentary films around the themes of national integration, social issues.
b. Health , immunization (both children & pregnant mothers), nutrition and health & hygiene and family
c. Methods of employment & income generation.
d. Awareness campaign- HIV/AIDS / venereal diseases, education of ladies / adults gender equality &
female feticide, child marriage & dowry, sanitation, campaign against usage of polythene bags drugs,
family life education
e. Scientific temperament building
f. Yoga
g. Manners & etiquettes
h. Counseling
i. Cutting and tailoring
j. Traditional handicrafts of the area.
k. Tailoring /embroidery / Patch Work / Mirror Work / Fabric painting / Block Printing / / Batik Printing /
bandhej etc.
l. Food Processing / Preservation / healthy cooking / balanced diet
m. Puppet Making / stuffed toys making
Evaluation in the program -
To look at the impact and also the achievement of objectives from the program, evaluation in the beginning, middle and end from the program ought to be conducted from the Coordinator along with a final report made on the basis of exactly the same. The differences can be affecting not just living skills of rural youth but the
Personality and communication skills from the urban youth.
The very least fund and quality interest and planning is a good idea in developing rural youth skill building and national development. Only thing required can be a step towards seo.For a lot more info, you ought to go to:
Urban Energy